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Stumble Guys

Do you like to fight with other people in a battle that gives you a wide range of interesting challenges? In the multiplayer game Stumble Guys, you and other players will fight while you control your character and go through funny obstacles. If you want to win, you have to be the first person to cross the finish line.

The stumble guys can be played online by up to 32 people at the same time. To win, you have to compete in stages that get more and more crazy. If you trip and fall, just get back up and keep going. Run for enjoyment!

You have to pass a series of strange tests and strange obstacles to win. Are you willing to give up everything you've got?

Stumble Guys is an online game that can be played at parties and is a very intense battle royale. Random obstacles are placed on the courses of the online races, which can have up to 32 people taking part. If you want to win this event, you'll have to sprint, jump multiple times, and compete hard.

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Feb. 26, 2023, midnight


Hailey Nelson