Step-by-Step: Setting Up Multiple Minecraft Servers Using Spigot

Minecraft's appeal lies in its limitless creativity and multiplayer experiences. Server owners often seek ways to expand their community by offering different game modes or experiences. If you're looking to set up multiple Minecraft servers efficiently, Spigot can be your go-to solution. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating and managing multiple Minecraft servers using Spigot.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A dedicated or powerful enough server machine.
  • Minecraft server files for the desired versions.
  • Basic knowledge of server management.

Step 1: Download Spigot

  • Visit the Spigot website ( and navigate to the "Build Tools" section.

  • Download the BuildTools.jar file.

Step 2: Build Spigot

  • Create a new directory on your server for Spigot, e.g., "SpigotServer."

  • Upload the BuildTools.jar file into this directory.

  • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the SpigotServer directory.

  • Run the following command to build Spigot:

java -jar BuildTools.jar - Once the build process is complete, you'll find a Spigot JAR file in the "SpigotServer" directory.

Step 3: Create Server Directories

  • Create separate directories for each Minecraft server you want to host. For example, "SurvivalServer," "CreativeServer," "MinigameServer," etc.

  • Inside each directory, create a "plugins" folder if it doesn't already exist.

Step 4: Configure Servers

  • Copy the Spigot JAR file created in Step 2 into each server directory.

  • Create a start script or batch file for each server. Here's an example for Linux:


java -Xmx2G -jar spigot.jar

Adjust the memory allocation (-Xmx2G) as needed.

Step 5: Install Plugins

  • For each server, navigate to its "plugins" folder.

  • Upload or place the plugins you want to use for that specific server in this directory.

Step 6: Configure BungeeCord (Optional)

If you want to create a network of interconnected servers, follow these additional steps:

  • Download BungeeCord from the Spigot website.

  • Place the BungeeCord JAR file in a new directory.

  • Create a "config.yml" file in the BungeeCord directory to configure server connections.

  • Start the BungeeCord server with a script similar to Step 4.

Step 7: Start Servers

  • Use your start scripts or batch files to launch each server. Make sure to start them one by one, giving each server a unique port number.

  • Monitor the server console for any errors or issues during startup.

Step 8: Port Forwarding (if needed)

If your servers are hosted on separate machines or virtual private servers (VPS), configure port forwarding on your router to allow player connections to each server.

Step 9: Test and Debug

  • Connect to each server using the respective IP address and port number.

  • Test gameplay and ensure that plugins are functioning correctly.

  • Monitor server logs for any issues and address them as needed.

Step 10: Regular Maintenance

  • Keep your servers and plugins up-to-date to ensure stability and security.

  • Back up your server data regularly to prevent data loss.

  • Monitor server performance and make adjustments as your community grows.

By following these steps, you can successfully set up and manage multiple Minecraft servers using Spigot. Whether you're creating distinct game modes or building a network of interconnected servers, Spigot offers the flexibility and customization needed to provide your players with diverse and engaging Minecraft experiences. Happy hosting!

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Kynthia Thane