Game On! Minecraft Servers You Need to Try

Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game that allows players to create and explore their own blocky worlds, has a vibrant multiplayer community. While the game's single-player mode offers endless possibilities, Minecraft truly shines when experienced with friends or fellow players on multiplayer servers. In this article, we'll introduce you to a variety of Minecraft servers that you absolutely need to try for a unique and exciting gaming experience.

  1. Survival Servers:

Survival servers offer a classic Minecraft experience where players must gather resources, build shelters, and survive against the elements and hostile mobs. Some of the most popular survival servers include:

  • Hypixel: Known for its diverse range of mini-games, Hypixel also offers a survival mode that combines classic survival with engaging challenges.

  • Hermitcraft: This popular YouTube series has a community of talented Minecraft players who run a survival server filled with impressive builds and collaborative projects.

  • Creative Servers:

If you're all about unleashing your creativity without the constraints of resource gathering or survival, creative servers are the perfect choice. Here are a couple worth exploring:

  • PlotSquared: This server offers creative plots where players can build to their heart's content. The plots can be as small as 32x32 blocks or as large as 256x256 blocks, giving builders ample space for their creations.

  • WorldEdit Creative: With access to WorldEdit commands, this server allows players to manipulate terrain and create intricate structures with ease.

  • Mini-Game Servers:

Mini-game servers are packed with a variety of exciting games within the Minecraft universe. They are perfect for quick, action-packed sessions with friends. Check out these options:

  • HiveMC: HiveMC offers a plethora of mini-games like Hide and Seek, SkyWars, and DeathRun. It's a hub of fun for players looking for a quick adrenaline rush.

  • Mineplex: With its diverse selection of mini-games and a dedicated community, Mineplex is a fantastic destination for players who enjoy competitive gameplay.

  • Role-Playing Servers:

For those who love to immerse themselves in rich narratives and character-driven adventures, role-playing servers are the way to go. Here are a couple that stand out:

  • Wynncraft: Wynncraft is a Minecraft MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) server with an expansive world, quests, and a leveling system that provides an immersive RPG experience.

  • Lord of the Craft: This server offers a detailed medieval fantasy role-playing world where players can create unique characters and participate in epic quests and political intrigue.

  • Custom Servers:

Custom servers are known for their unique gameplay experiences, often featuring custom plugins and mechanics. Explore these for something out of the ordinary:

  • Terra Swoop Force: A custom adventure map that takes players on a thrilling journey through a mysterious cave system filled with challenges and puzzles. It's an excellent choice for players looking for a unique Minecraft adventure.

  • Complex Gaming: This server offers a wide range of custom game modes, including Parkour, Factions, and Prison, making it a versatile choice for players seeking diverse experiences.

  • Anarchy Servers:

Anarchy servers are known for their chaotic and lawless nature, where players can do almost anything. While they may not be for everyone, they offer a unique and unregulated Minecraft experience. 2b2t, one of the oldest anarchy servers, is notorious for its lack of rules and massive, player-created history.

  1. Community and Whitelisted Servers:

Joining a community or whitelisted server can provide a more tight-knit and moderated experience. These servers often require an application or invitation to join. You can find these communities through Minecraft forums, Reddit, or even Discord.


Minecraft servers offer a plethora of experiences, from classic survival and creative building to action-packed mini-games and immersive role-playing adventures. Whether you prefer to collaborate on massive builds, engage in thrilling competitions, or immerse yourself in rich narratives, there's a Minecraft server out there that suits your interests. So, gather your friends or make new ones in the Minecraft community and embark on unforgettable adventures in the blocky world of Minecraft. Game on!

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Rana Entwistle