Monthly FOSS Gathering
Hosted by Christchurch FOSS Gathering
Tweet ShareWe send out a collaborative agenda document (yes, it's using the fully FOSS NextCloud+Collabora Office system on - see for example from our June 2018 meeting) prior to each session to allow prospective participants to note down ideas for discussion topics, presentations, questions, etc.
March 12, 2019, 8 p.m. - March 12, 2019, 10 p.m.
Attendees (1)

Hi all, Our next meetup is this week. So far, the agenda's ( a bit sparse (although we always seem to fill it up)... Feel free to add ideas for things to discuss, demos you might want to do, or questions you'd love to have answered! Wondering if folks might want to help me finish my blog post on setting up your own BitWarden (a very nice FOSS password keeper) server on commodity hosting using Docker Compose... for $5/month you can provide your friends and family with a safe way to manage your passwords. Have a look at what we discussed last time: ... Hope to see quite a few of you on Tues! Dave