Monthly FOSS Gathering
Hosted by Christchurch FOSS Gathering
Tweet ShareWe send out a collaborative agenda document (yes, it's using the fully FOSS NextCloud+Collabora Office system on - see for example from our June 2018 meeting) prior to each session to allow prospective participants to note down ideas for discussion topics, presentations, questions, etc.
Nov. 10, 2020, 8 p.m. - Nov. 10, 2020, 10 p.m.
Hi all, Turns out you can't alter the meeting place to a URL in either GetTogether or Meetup... :/ We're meeting at rather than above Pomeroy's these days. That said, I'm not available for this month's meeting, scheduled for tomorrow night... If anyone else would like to run the meeting, any of you can start the meeting room... Please feel free to have a meeting! I've set up an agenda for note taking here: Hope you all have a good session! Dave