Monthly FOSS Gathering
Hosted by Christchurch FOSS Gathering
Tweet ShareWe send out a collaborative agenda document (yes, it's using the fully FOSS NextCloud+Collabora Office system on - see for example from our June 2018 meeting) prior to each session to allow prospective participants to note down ideas for discussion topics, presentations, questions, etc.
Feb. 12, 2019, 8 p.m. - Feb. 12, 2019, 10 p.m.
Feb. 12, 2019, 9:46 a.m.
Reminder: we're meeting tonight from 8pm! Get your ideas on the agenda: - otherwise we'll just improvise when we all get there :) See you tonight, Dave
Attendees (1)

Hi all, On the heels of last week's superb Linux.Conf.AU at University of Cantebury, where the who's who of the Free and Open Source Software world (including Linux founder Linus Torvalds!) travelled to little old Christchurch, we're organising our February Meetup. If you want to come along, please have a look at the agenda and add the sorts of stuff you'd be interested in discussing, presenting on, or asking about... We love having a good mix of total beginner stuff and stuff that assumes a bit more familiarity (we're good at filling in the missing info for anyone who needs it!)... For those who missed last month, we had a surprisingly (well, I was surprised) successful demo of "Docker from scratch"... here're some more details: Hope to see your agenda ideas, and to see you above Pom's on Tues the 12th! Dave