Monthly FOSS Gathering
Hosted by Christchurch FOSS Gathering
Tweet ShareWe send out a collaborative agenda document (yes, it's using the fully FOSS NextCloud+Collabora Office system on - see for example from our June 2018 meeting) prior to each session to allow prospective participants to note down ideas for discussion topics, presentations, questions, etc.
Hi all, I'll be at (use a modern browser like Chrom(e|ium), Brave, or Firefox. On iOS, Safari works best (I can explain why)...) from 19:55 for people wanting to get connected (and will log in now, so others can join between now and then!)- We'll start at 8pm. Here's our agenda for tonight: Nāku, na, Dave
Attendees (1)

Well, all, we're in strange times. Luckily, we have great technology to handle meeting during lockdown: We'll meet at the appointed time, this Tuesday, here: You won't need a password or to install any software - you'll just need a modern browser that supports the WebRTC open standard. Firefox, Brave, and Chrom(e|ium) are good choices on destops and mobile. On iOS, turns out Safari is your best option (long story). Here's an agenda - as usual, please add your own questions and ideas! Come on along! Keen to stress test our BigBlueButton instance, so feel free to pop in even if it's only for a few minutes! Nāku, nā Dave