Monthly FOSS Gathering
Hosted by Christchurch FOSS Gathering
Tweet ShareWe send out a collaborative agenda document (yes, it's using the fully FOSS NextCloud+Collabora Office system on - see for example from our June 2018 meeting) prior to each session to allow prospective participants to note down ideas for discussion topics, presentations, questions, etc.
June 8, 2021, 8 p.m. - June 8, 2021, 10 p.m.
Attendees (1)

Kia ora all, We're meeting this Tuesday evening, as per our usual schedule. We'd like to make this a national meeting rather than just focused on Christchurch or Auckland - plus we'd like to stress test our BigBlueButton instance, whose limits have never been effectively plumbed... We've had 45+ people using it simultaneously, and it didn't seem bothered by that. In theory, it should handled a couple hundred users ! It'd be cool to verify that! So, if you've never joined in on an FOSS Meetup session, come along - even just for a few minutes - you just need to listen - you don't even need a mike or camera (although if you have them, using them will create a more compelling test!) . Also, please feel free to add your questions, ideas, topics for discussion, presentation you'd like to give (or see!) to our Agenda! See lots of you on Tuesday :) Dave