East Bay Old Folks SK8's cover image

East Bay Old Folks SK8

For all of you now in your late thirties and up who used to skateboard or longboard, now is the time to dust off those sticks and get back to it!

I regularly skateboard with my kids and miss the time spent just riding. Granted, I'm not doing the same tricks that I used to do, but I'm building my muscles and my skills back up and loving every minute of it! I can't be the only one who looks at the Iron Horse Trail and thinks, "I would totally love to ride this."

Update: I created a quick instructable for those who are wondering about proper bearing maintenance - https://www.instructables.com/id/Routine-SkateboardLongboard-Cleaning-Method/

Look forward to my next one on building a "rain board" for commuting during Northern California's rainy season! Stay tuned...

