criminal defense lawyer

Facing a DUI charge in Delaware County? Don't navigate it alone. As a seasoned DUI lawyer in Media, PA, I specialize in providing expert advice and dedicated representation to guide you through your DUI defense journey. At the Law Office of Steven F. O’Meara, we understand the complexities of DUI cases and are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome. From challenging the legality of the stop to scrutinizing field sobriety tests and analyzing breathalyzer or blood test results, we leave no stone unturned in defending your rights. Some may believe there's no hope once charged with a DUI in Delco, but that's far from true when you have an experienced DUI defense attorney by your side. We believe in exploring every avenue to challenge the prosecution's case and protect your interests. If you've recently been charged with a DUI in Delaware County, reach out to the Law Office of Steven F. O’Meara at 610-827-5179 for a complimentary consultation. Let's work together to start building a strong defense strategy today.

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