Bedrock Minecraft Server IPs: Your Gateway to Multiplayer Fun

Minecraft, the immensely popular sandbox game, has captured the hearts of players young and old across the globe. A significant part of its enduring appeal is the multiplayer experience it offers, and at the heart of that experience are Bedrock Minecraft Server IPs. These numerical addresses serve as gateways to a vast realm of multiplayer adventures and collaborative building projects. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Bedrock Minecraft Server IPs, how to find them, and how to join your favorite servers.

What is a Bedrock Minecraft Server IP?

A Bedrock Minecraft Server IP, often simply referred to as an IP address, is a numerical identifier that allows players to connect to specific multiplayer servers. Think of it as the digital address of a server, enabling you to access a unique world and community within the Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

Finding Bedrock Minecraft Server IPs

Discovering Bedrock Minecraft Server IPs is relatively easy, thanks to the thriving Minecraft community. Here are some common methods to find them:

  • Server Listing Websites: Several websites curate lists of Minecraft Bedrock servers. These platforms categorize servers by themes, gameplay styles, and player communities. Notable server listing websites include "Minecraft Server List," "Minecraft Servers," and "Minecraft Pocket-Servers."

  • Minecraft Forums: Official Minecraft forums and community-driven platforms are excellent sources for discovering server IPs. Here, players often share their server recommendations and IPs, making it a great place to find new servers.

  • Discord Communities: Joining Minecraft-related Discord communities and servers can provide direct access to server IPs. These communities often foster discussions and share IP addresses for various servers.

  • Social Media: Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook host Minecraft communities where players frequently share server IPs and recommendations.

  • Word of Mouth: Don't underestimate the power of recommendations from friends or fellow players. Many players discover exciting servers through word-of-mouth referrals.

How to Join a Bedrock Minecraft Server Using an IP

Once you've found a Bedrock Minecraft Server IP that interests you, follow these steps to join the server:

  • Launch Minecraft: Open the Minecraft Bedrock Edition on your preferred device, whether it's a PC, console, or mobile device.

  • Select "Play": From the main menu, select the "Play" option to access the list of available game modes.

  • Choose "Servers": In the "Play" menu, navigate to the "Servers" tab. Click on it to view the list of servers.

  • Add Server: Look for an option that allows you to "Add Server" or "Add Server IP." Click on it to enter the server's IP address.

  • Enter IP: Input the numerical IP address of the server you want to join. Be precise in entering the address to ensure a successful connection.

  • Optional: Server Name: You can provide a custom name for the server, making it easier to identify in your server list.

  • Save: After entering the IP and optional server name, save the information.

  • Join Server: Locate the server in your server list and click on it to join. If the server is online and accessible, you'll enter the multiplayer world.

Understanding Server Rules and Guidelines

It's essential to respect the rules and guidelines of the server you join. Each server may have its own unique rules regarding behavior, player conduct, and specific gameplay requirements. Failing to adhere to these rules can result in warnings, kicks, or bans from the server.


Bedrock Minecraft Server IPs serve as your doorway to a vibrant and diverse multiplayer world. These numerical addresses enable you to explore new lands, join collaborative building projects, and engage with players from around the world. By following this guide, you can confidently discover, join, and immerse yourself in the countless multiplayer adventures that Minecraft Bedrock Edition has to offer. So, find your favorite server, enter the IP, and embark on a multiplayer journey like no other in the blocky realm of Minecraft.

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Nikolia Palecek