Advanced jq: awk for JSON

Category:Computers & Technology

Part 3 of the jq trilogy.

In this part we cover using scripting with jq to programmatically change JSON documents.

Today's APIs and databases feed us lots of JSON. It's a structured, line-independent data format, and our normal line-based tools such as grep, sed and awk fall a bit short.

jq understands JSON document format that's easy to fit into your data pipeline. It can parse, search and manipulate JSON documents.

The first talk introduced jq and covered using it to search JSON objects similar to how grep is used for plain text. The second talk covered using jq to manipulate JSON documents. This talk will put those together with scripting similar to writing awk scripts for columnar data.

Events (1)

East Valley Meeting
Oct. 12, 2023, 7 p.m.