Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Neurodivergence Activism - Mental Health

Jigme is a long time mad activist. That is a member of the neurodivergence community, working toward an acceptance of neurdivergence as something which should be accepted and embraced, rather than trying to suppress and hide it.

Jigme speaks from personal experience, and tries to use that as the basis, though when there is a question which they have no experience with, they will speak towards the experience of others, and what might be said in the broader community.

Jigme is neurodivergent on several different fronts, and will present on what works for them dealing with those issues.


Meditation Discussion

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku, Neurodivergence Activism - Mental Health

Events (1)

Weekly Drop In
Open Psychology Project
Dec. 28, 2018, 2 p.m.