New year Wishes
Hosted by johan
Tweet ShareHarness the energy of the New Year to review, refresh, and reset. Review your goals. Show gratitude for all that you achieved in 2020. Acknowledge your success and learn from your Failures. Refresh your intentions. What is important to you? What are your hopes and dreams for New Year 2021 Love Shayari ? Write them down. Align your actions with your intentions and watch your vision manifest. Reset your thinking. Let go of past experiences that bring you back to a place of pain. Focus on the present and the hope you feel on the cusp of this new decade. This New year is yours for the taking. As you move towards a new year, I hope you learn how to let go of the idea that it's too late. It is truly never too late to change your life. It is never too late to become the person you have always hoped you could be, or to love the way you have always wanted to love. We often forget that we are not bound by our past. We don't have to be who we were a year ago, we don't have to make the same mistakes we did when we were younger; we can want different things, we can seek different horizons. We have to believe that we are never too old, never too jaded, and never too broken to take our first step towards change. We wake up every single day with the ability to start fresh. It is never too late to take advantage of that. It is never too late.So share Love Shayari with friends. What do you need in the New Year? You need a dream; Your dream needs an action; Your action needs right thinking! Without the right thinking, you can have only unrealized dreams. Please 2021 be kind. Give me challenges that make me stronger. Give me lessons that cause me to be more thoughtful. And give me adventures that I will continue to tell when I'm old and grey.
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