FLOSS Jobs networking event
Hosted by FLOSS_Stammtisch
Tweet ShareQuarterly ( Januaries, Aprils, Julys and Octobers ) there is a jobs night event before the FLOSS Stammtisch
Getting to know others ( networking ) has always been part of Stammtisch ( the conference hallway track without the conference ). The Jobs Nights events came about due for requests for a more directed approach to job networking from both hiring employers and those seeking new jobs. It was therefore natural to create standalone events that merge into Stammtisch.
Januaries and Julys host resume events while Aprils and Octobers have jobs networking events.
Resume review and career guidance sign up: https://gnu-cloud.yourownnet.cloud/apps/forms/eqpeNwWG77W2zmmo We added the signup in order to give our career counselors time to review requests and resumes before the call. Signup is not required, but does help help us be prepared. We ask for either email address or Freenode IRC nick so we have a way of reaching out for scheduling.
We use Big Blue Button for the event and for Stammtisch, but counseling might take place in either BigBlueButton or jitsi.
We'll meet via Big Blue Button https://lufthans.bigbluemeeting.com/b/plu-yuk-7xx