Hosted by Code for Berlin
Tweet ShareWe are looking forward to welcoming you all to our next remote Open Knowledge Lab Berlin!
As before, we will use the BBB instance of our friends in Ulm:
Time time, CfA’s deputy CEO, Chris Roper, discusses how the organisation drives data-driven projects in over 19 African countries. The over 100 projects include: (measuring air and water quality using low-cost sensors); WanaData (CfA’s 140+ strong, women-only data scientist and data journalism pan-African network); the African Drone network; digital forensic labs in East and Southern Africa dedicated to fighting misinformation and hate speech;, and the CfA PesaCheck fact-checking organisation, among others.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us beforehand. Just send us an e-mail to and we will get back to you shortly!
Sorry about the delay. You can now find the slides from the presentation here: