Hosted by Full Stack Web Developers Study Group
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We will continue our study of the ES7 specification and then Israel Klinghofer will present his experience starting up a Firebase project as a component of the Remote Control feature of his Automated Sprinkler System.
Firebase is a cloud platform for delivering mobile and web apps that automatically scale and handle all other DevOps issues.
This will be an online virtual meeting. JOIN NOW
Before the next meeting everyone is required to read chapter 9 (Ordinary and Exotic Objects Behaviours) of: ECMA-Script version 7 specification You can also download this spec as a PDF copy
- The group will discuss the contents of the specification as defined by the above homework assignment. Share what you have learned and ask questions if necessary.
- Firebase presentation
Oct. 13, 2020, 6:30 p.m. - Oct. 13, 2020, 8:30 p.m.