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Mit OpenStreetMap-Daten die Verkehrswende beschleunigen

Hosted by Code for Berlin

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We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our next remote Open Knowledge Lab Berlin!

As before, we will use the BBB instance of our friends in Ulm:

The "Verkehrswende" needs good, data-driven storytelling to accelerate change. But for good stories, it needs good, open data. And for that again, you need specs and tools. @tordans reports how far the OSM Verkehrswende group has come so far and where help is needed.

Feel free to check out our website at beforehand to see what we are working on.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us beforehand. Just click the Contact button in the organizer section on the left and send us a message. We will get back to you shortly!

Aug. 10, 2020, 7 p.m. - Aug. 10, 2020, 9 p.m.
No place selected yet.


Attendees (4)

k-nut Yes
Tobias Yes
DScul Maybe
