How to learn remotely?
Hosted by Esther Crowder
Tweet ShareMany schoolchildren and students now engage in online activities: video conferencing classes, sending tasks by e-mail, chatting with teachers, sending various essay types for verification. This is not easy for everyone, because the format is unusual. At this meeting we will tell you how to properly organize the learning process from home. We will answer all the questions you are interested in. High-tech distance education is gaining the deserved popularity and trust from applicants, who are given additional opportunities thanks to this form of education. Indeed, today a rare student can afford full-time education, being forced to combine work and university, and moving to the capital for those who want to get a prestigious diploma - a pleasure often unavailable. Studying during maternity leave is another very common situation. E-learning is an option for many people who want to study at a university and get a diploma, regardless of life circumstances. In the realities of today's world, many people are asking what distance learning means. With the revolution in the education system, e-learning has become a relevant alternative and challenge to the traditional education paradigm where knowledge and skills are transferred directly from the teacher to the student. It has turned out that learning in an individual format, in a remote mode, combining self-study and familiar forms of high-tech delivery (digital libraries, audio and video lectures, online trainings and seminars, etc.) is not much different from the education we are used to; moreover, it hides unique opportunities and benefits. Even today, it is possible to summarize the first results and obtain reliable information on how to learn through distance learning, as well as on how distance learning is conducted and how well it provides an appropriate level of training.
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How to learn remotely?