Hosted by Waterloo Regional Gamers
Tweet ShareCome for some easy games @ Queen st Commons Cafe. (arrive late if needed, just leave a quick comment)
Anyone welcome. No knowledge or experience of game-play necessary, come learn a new game, or show us a new one.
No cover charge, but please think about supporting the cafe (pie < $2, burritos < $3).
BYOB (Board-games) You can bring a game, or play what others bring. I'll likely bring several games in case anyone needs to borrow some
There is a parking lot across Charles st. with free parking after 6
(It will likely be cancelled if not at least 3 rsvps, including confirmations within 1 day)
Jan. 8, 2020, 6 p.m. - Jan. 8, 2020, 9 p.m.
Attendees (1)