Hosted by Upstate Carolina Linux User's Group (UCLUG)
Tweet ShareOur July 11 meeting will be presented by Brad Whitehead, who had a Unikernel Birds-of-a-Feather at SouthEast LinuxFest. The title for our meeting is:
Super Containers: Unikernels and Virtual Machines
Several of the unikernel compilers I mentioned (ed: at SouthEast LinuxFest) were academic research projections and are no longer being developed. However, there are two commercial products (with open source versions) that you might want to play with: NanoVMS ( ) and Unikraft ( ).
Brad and ColaLUG, the Columbia SC Linux User's Group, will be joining us on Jitsi, live-streamed to YouTube:
NOTE!!! Our new location is OpenWorks. Enter from 3rd floor of Richardson St. Parking Deck. Thank you, Eric for hosting this month!