Hosted by oneAPI
Tweet ShareHello! This is the 2nd meetup of 2023 - I wanted to really start our meetups going again. This week, we'll have Felix Le Clair as our guest speaker - ( He will be chatting about reduced precision in HPC workloads. The argument is that a reduced precision from FP32 to FP16 can solve two problems - of either being memory or compute bound. We will then discuss after.
Join us and participate in the debate! Looking forward to having Felix here with us this week!
Interested in giving a talk at our meetup? Let me know! We'd love to hear from you. The topics can be anything under HPC and AI - and it doesn't necessarily have to be oneAPI - I think topics around these would be interesting and illuminating when it comes to heterogeneous computing.
This is a virtual event - but happy to think about supporting in-person events.