Hosted by PLUG
Tweet ShareThis is PLUG's meeting. This meeting usually takes the form of 1 or usually more presentations. We try to keep a good balance of novice and advanced subjects so that nobody will be overwhelmed of bored. Just show up, and we hope you learn something.
If you would like some examples of what to expect at this meeting, check out some of the videos that have been made of our presentations.
Nov. 8, 2018, 7 p.m. - Nov. 8, 2018, 9 p.m.
Attendees (1)

Title: Technically private Speaker: Sebastian Tuchband Description: A techno-savy/enthusiast guide to online privacy. The presentation will cover methods of keeping private generally public information and other data that aren't usually thought of as private. Some methods use software, others less so. Biography: Sebastian is a privacy enthusiast who is also into social engineering. People are delightful, thus he wishes to teach how/why to reserve information and securely share.