CPTSD Book Club - Virtual Meeting

Hosted by Kelly

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continuing reading... "Complex PTSD, from surviving to thriving". By Pete Walker. Discuss once a week with others who are/or have read the book to discuss a couple of pages from the book. This is NOT THERAPY GROUP. The only requirement would be to have read or currently reading THIS book & discussing the topic of what we have read. Relating in a general way only. Hopefully learning how a dysregulated brain is affecting your relationships/work/and or your personal belief systems today. Meetings follow a little bit like a 12 step model but this is not a 12 step meeting. Our primary purpose is to discuss the contents of Pete Walker's Book.

BOOK STUDY of Pete Walkers CPTSD. If you found this book to be helpful and want to read through it with others who are also finding it helpful please feel free to join us. We read a little and discuss what we have read and how it applies to our lives etc. Focus is more on present day dysregulation and not delve into past traumas (save that more for professional counselling) mindfulness of CPTSD as it can present in present day. Feel free to join anytime doesn't matter if you are at the beginning, middle or end of book. So we read and chat for a hour to 1.5 hrs on Tuesdays starting at 7pm EST

Please email kcptsd@gmail.com for zoom room information.

Nov. 10, 2022, 3 p.m. - Nov. 10, 2022, 4:30 p.m.


Attendees (1)

Kelly Yes
