Hosted by Code for NOVA
Tweet ShareWorking session to determine events through August and to discuss CFN's website design.
(cancelled until july 7)
Sounds good; we can skip this week. I've been trying to coordinate over Zulip so I will let Hisham and Rima know.
We might just have some open 'events' discussion here. Though I have to imagine that'll be impacted by who we are sure will be regulars versus what events might bring folk in who otherwise wouldn't be. In particular, I'll offer (GOOD) local pizza every evening that we're certain we'll get at least a pizza's worth of attendees.
Definitely happy to chip in for the pizza idea. It was just Will and I last week- we waited outside until 10 after or so.
Righto. I may have difficulty tracking individual conversations, so it would also help if they confirmed their intent to attend here. I'll make next week's entry for now.
Agreed and thanks
Attendees (1)

With Matt under the weather and my having had been exposed to COVID last week (but seemingly ok (two tests negative)) ... but only one attendee listed so far... just wondering how folk feel about taking a day off and coming back to this next week. Also, sounds like there was some confusion last time... the address is 1400 crystal drive (the glass building), which closes just as the meetup starts, so folk will meet with one or more of the hosts outside the building at the crystal drive entrance to the building (all glass.) You should see brick curved residences across the street and a hotel just across a 'driveway' for lack of a better description between it and the 1400 building.