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Free audiobooks are available on numerous services, but how can you get them? Many people are unaware that they can find them on libraries. This article will explore some of the most popular options available. It's also possible to find a variety of free audiobooks in a single place, such as a school or public library. It's all about knowing where to look for them. To access these books, visit local libraries or school libraries, and download the OverDrive application.

You can also try the Internet Archive, which has a separate section for audiobooks. While there is no app, you can find sample audiobooks online. There is no cost to use this service, but the audiobooks are 100% legal. These are either public domain or have permission from the author. If you have a library card, you can use that to download free audiobooks. It's a great way to stay entertained while doing something else.

May 4, 2022, midnight - April 4, 2024, midnight
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