Hosted by Code for Berlin
Tweet ShareWelcome to the Berlin Open Knowledge Lab. We are a group of people interested in Open Data and Civic Tech. We usually meet once a week to develop technological and political solutions in a smaller round.
Once a month we invite an expert to give a talk about an Open Data topic that they specialize in. In an effort to more widely share what the whole network is working on, Wolfram from the OK Lab Cologne is going to talk about what they are working on:
Between environmental data, culture and stories - the OK Lab Cologne meets regularly every two weeks to exchange ideas on environmental and cultural topics. In the current project, we are working on finding and digitizing the old cultural paths. But we also support e.g. the project SMARAGD of the Research Center Jülich and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research. Since we have been able to gather experience over the last eight years, we try to record it in the koelncommunitystories.
As usual, we meet at
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us beforehand. Just click the Contact button in the organizer section on the left and send us a message. We will get back to you shortly!