Denver CryptoParty's cover image

Denver CryptoParty

Newbies, devs, hodlers, cypherpunks, freedom-lovers - UNITE! We're a radically open and welcoming crypto group that covers a wide range of topics, hosts events, and PARTIES HARD!

We get together twice a month (1st and 3rd Tuesdays) to casually discuss current events, new technology, libre software, and whatever interests you on or off the blockchain...

Also: directed acyclic graphs, con o sin gossip protocol.

1st Friday: Low key (read: PARTY) meet and greet at a local hang out, usually a brewery or similar.

3rd Friday: Presentation format (film or oral) with topics including decentralization, future tech, virtual currencies, and whatever interests you!

Our Mission Statement: The Denver CryptoPARTY (hereafter, The Party), is a radically open and welcoming group that aims to transform Denver into the most blockchain and crypto-friendly city possible by connecting people and spawning projects. This is to be done while having fun. The Party demands it.