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ES7 Part 3 + P5js Framework

Hosted by Full Stack Web Developers Study Group

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We will continue our study of the ES7 specification and then have a look at the very interesting P5js framework.

This will be an online virtual meeting. Watch this space and your inbox for connection details 1 hour prior to the start time.


Before the next meeting everyone is required to read chapter 6 (ECMAScript Data Types and Values) of: ECMA-Script version 7 specification You can also download this spec as a PDF copy


  1. The group will discuss the contents of the specification as defined by the above homework assignment. Share what you have learned and ask questions if necessary.
  2. We will take a look at the P5js framework which is based on its cousin 'Processing' a library built in JAVA. This framework has a number of uses in multiple domains. It's a very interesting playground for doing Javascript interactively with an embedded canvas and console. It has found a home in the 'Maker Spaces' and IOT world. It could be used to build the user interface for a USB based digital storage ocilliscope (DSO), as an example

May 12, 2020, 6:30 p.m. - May 12, 2020, 8:30 a.m.


Attendees (6)

Limit: 15
Ron Schreiner Yes
JohnF Yes
Karen No


P5js Color Cube

a 3D Javascript sandbox