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Sept 2023 Meeting: Low Code Automation

Hosted by Upstate Carolina Linux User's Group (UCLUG)

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Our September meeting will be presented by Mark Collins, CTO for Arganteal, and his talk is:

Low Code Automation

Arganteral was formed to address the gaps in the IT deployment marketplace. Our industry-unique, script discovery tool (ASCOT) searches, finds, categorizes and classifies your scripts both locally and remotely. Once your scripts are found you can use ADepT (Adaptive Deployment Toolkit) to turn them into reusable libraries through our Libratization process. These reusable libraries can then be used inside of our workflow editor. ADepT is script language agnostic and currently supports most script languages used for deployments. Once inside of our workflow editor you can create workflows composed of your newly created libraries. These workflows can range in complexity from single target deployments to workflows of workflows that create multiple targets at the same time using our looping constructs. And all of this can be done in the scripting language you already know. No more learning a new language to automate deployment. You can even call other deployment tools from within your scripts!

Arganteal's ADepT was made to embrace the way you work from the knowledge you already have. We're taking deployments from "inept to ADepT".

This talk is in coordination with ColaLUG, the Columbia SC Linux User's Group, who will be joining us on Jitsi, live-streamed to YouTube:

NOTE!!! Our new location is OpenWorks. Enter from 3rd floor of Richardson St. Parking Deck. Thanks to OpenWorks for hosting us!

Sept. 12, 2023, 6:30 p.m. - Sept. 12, 2023, 8 p.m.


Attendees (3)

Jās Eckard Yes
Eric Yes
