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Release Party

Hosted by GetTogether Developers

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Celebrate another release of GetTogether!

June 28, 2019, noon - June 28, 2019, 2 a.m.


    June 7, 2019, 12:45 a.m.

    Wow. I keep checking out GetTogether to see if there is any adoption in the North Carolina area. I just happened to log in this evening while planning my Southeast Linux Fest trip and was surprised to see this group. I had no idea that the developers were so closed to me (Asheville here). I would like to try and make it to this event to get an idea about the development process, maybe find some ways to contribule, and possibly discuss some potential articles to write up. I am about the reboot my plans for (a blog about the fediverse, federated projects, users, developers, admins, etc). Also if, anyone is going to Southeast Linux Fest, I will be there Friday and Saturday and would love to meet other people from western North Carolina for to relax with people from the community, chat, learn and share.

    June 7, 2019, 10:50 a.m.

    I just moved up here to western NC, glad to see others here who are interested! Surely there's some tech communities in and around Asheville who would find it useful. I'm still trying to find the local communities around here. This event is still listed as happening in Florida (where I used to live) and it was never really a real event, I just use it to make sure that everything is running smoothly in production. But maybe we can arrange an actual event in Asheville sometime

    June 7, 2019, 4:08 p.m.

    Sounds awesome. Hoping to create an open space knowledge share and community involvement in open source and Linux for the Asheville area and see if we can spread it to other areas of this part of the state. The local lug just never worked out in timing for me and the involvement always seemed mixed. I am hoping we can stir up something more organic and out in the open by using park spaces and networking people to other people of common interests. Help give access to knowledge and a voice to curiosity and passion wherever it comes from. Will you be at Southeast Linux Fest next weekend? Maybe we can meet up and find others in the area as well as just be good neighbors. Else maybe a beer or something.

    June 7, 2019, 4:33 p.m.

    No SELF for me this year, sadly

    June 7, 2019, 4:37 p.m.

    Sorry to hear. Definitely would like to catch up sometime and am serious about creating a new active learning community and writing an article about Gettogether.

Attendees (1)

Michael Hall Yes
